Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Monday, May 9, 2011


It's 11am and the Ratty has switched to lunch! The roots and shoots line is featuring gnocchi alla sorrentina! Gina and Sarah didn't sit with us because our table is crooooowwwwwdeeeeed. Call the wambulance.

Leslie was here briefly and Michelle, Danny ("what's up dudes?"), Andrea, and Jenny just joined us. Andrea reports that the gnocchi don't taste good. Sad face.

Mike: "Oh, are those waffle fries?!?!"
Danny: "They're like 10 feet away."

Everyone is particularly excited about the reserved sign, which has actually come full circle over the last year because I borrowed it from the Ratty about a year ago for a Band event.

Leber working.


  1. This is great! I am coming to visit around 4:30. GET READYYYYY
