Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Act I, Scene IX: We're All in This Together

*Jinette blows the whistle furiously*

I want to tell a story to preface this song. This one time we were at URI, and as per usually there was a quite rowdy crowd. People got a bit ~too~ into the game. On one penalty, one of the fans sitting behind the band calls out, “What team?” to try to figure out who got the penalty. The entire back half of the band in unison yelled out, “Wildcats!” That person was understandably confused, and the band was understandably amused.

We have been engaged in a heated debate at the Ratty Challenge table. No, tater tots are not fries. Also, the expression “you get what you get…” apparently has multiple endings (see Twitter for the deets). But no, neither of these debates were what I was referencing. Instead, I am speaking of a debate about Ratty water. Why, I ask, are there SO many different ways to get water at the Ratty? There is flat water, cold water, sparkling water, soda water, and then other water at the soda fountains that does not say soda. What’s happening here?

There are difficult decisions to make as demonstrated by this meme.

Our inquisitive scientists.

Hydrology aside, we had more chats with our lovely crusties which means we're finally all in this together!

Cassie Cole witnessed a very painful, inescapable game of Catan.

Bradam! Not pictured: Adam's fancy new shirt that he changed into.

Elaine is in law school now! I know at least 3 laws.

Gabe told us of his new home: the Stanford mellophone section. Objectively better than the trumpets.

Zoe is at Rockport! I hope there are rocks there. 

This brings our Crustie Count to 10! That's a lot! We also just hit the 9 hour mark and delirium is starting to set in. Someone is talking about Tom Brady which is my cue to do another lap around the Ratty.

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