Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, January 30, 2016

We Passed the Halfway Point!

Hello Everyone!

Just finished my first ever solo game of Ticket to Ride, so I was engaged in that for a while, but I'm back to the blogging game. (see end of post for game results)

Here's who stopped by in the last couple hours!

A very cheery Shannon!


Max (hug this time courtesy of Brooke)

Matt Finn arrived, so we put the Matts together in a picture!

Kellan, with some lovely noontime sunshine coming through the window.


Walker! It's a percussion party!

Kevin and Sammy! Adorable as always!

I WON TICKET TO RIDE BY ONE POINT! (Gabby is displeased)

Mark showed up, looking fancy and wearing a nametag like he thinks we don't know him or something.

It's a bit past hour five now, but Christie wrote this poem and it's now being published!

Team, we are hitting the last big lull in Ratty activity. The noise has died down, and it could be 8am again, except we're mostly awake and it smells like tomato sauce. As far as I can tell, everyone is relatively sane, hydrated, and well-nourished, and Abby has also stopped beeping! Most of us have not done the work we promised ourselves we'd do today, but that's the great thing about doing the Challenge at the beginning of the semester–it doesn't matter! We've made it eight hours at this point, in t-4 hours we will make our exodus. Stay tuned for the dinner shebandigans still to happen.

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