Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Preparing to Brave the Ratty

Hi, Readers, Hi!

Following in Chris' netsteps, I am broadcasting to the world that which I have prepared to make it through tomorrow. These are the supplies that will get me through the day alive.

Pictured here:
  • comfortable clothing that will allow for an easy change into my rugby (yes, we are topping off our twelve hours by going straight to a basketball game–AAAAAAH!)
  • power strip
    • we got the power
  • The Power of Identity
    • sold this book on amazon, but it turns out I sold it to a Brown student, so I'm hoping she'll come by the Ratty to pick it up
  • various C.S. Lewis books 
    • my goal is to finish the books for the semester by the end of next week (they're relatively short, and I don't want to have to do anything but enjoy the class and not stress about reading)
  • my knitting
    • I've ambitiously brought the second skein for this scarf, but it would take a miracle for me to even get that far. Never knit with size 1, folks. Never.
  • London's calculator 
    • hey London, I still have your calculator–hopefully this post means I'll remember to give it to you
  • hard drive
    • my second-a-day video needs some major attention
  • mouse
    • Chris was correct, Runescape will be happening, and the mouse is a critical feature
  • camera charger
    • I have been designated photographer for tomorrow, so stay tuned for pictures of everyone we see and everything we eat–it'll be like those people you can't stand on your facebook/instagram feeds
  • mini camera tripod
    • see previous item
  • headphones
  • journals and pens
  • blanket
    • this may or may not make it to the Ratty, depends if it fits in my backpack or not
  • planner
    • for plannin' stuff
  • not pictured: misc. electronics and chargers

So this is a lot less exciting than what Chris is bringing, but he's bringing the party and I'm bringing my to-do list because I am insufferable like that. I hope in some way this picture of my books and knitting has convinced at least one of you readers that I'm fun to be around or something. 

See you in seven hours, folks.