Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Breakfast Club

2 hours in and we've finished our first round of breakfast. I managed to get the first omelette of the day (no line!) and we've started hoarding tater tots to get us to dinner. But the real MVP of breakfast, and my greatest regret about not being on meal plan this year...
COFFEE MILK!!! (Feat. Haylstorm's arms)

When asked about her breakfast, Hayley merely said: "It was good."

Isabella has joined us:
Hi, Isabella!

We're already running out of things to do, so it's naptime for Zoeseph Gordon-Levitt:
Is that you, Sleepy Wonder?

Be sure to follow our new Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/RattyChallenge) for breaking Ratty Challenge news (I do not know what counts as breaking news in the Ratty. The scrambled eggs have been replenished? The SurgeMaster is protecting us from... surges? Our Challenge homebase has now grown to 3 tables?).

People should be waking up around now and we have our first Skype date soon, so more to come!

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