Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Confession: I only agreed to do this because I thought there would be minestrone soup involved. If there is one thing BUDS does well, it's minestrone soup (and steak fries, sweet potato fries, vegetarian cajun pasta (hell yeah), and this great apple pie-tart thing I enjoyed on December 4, 2013).

I endured 5 hours in the ratty before it was finally an appropriate time for minestrone soup, but alas, when i went to retrieve my steaming hot bowl of soup, it was almost all broth! Shame on the assholes who scooped out all of the beans. Thank god when I returned to our table I found a plethora of friends to cheer me up!

Dennis! Contrary to popular belief, his book is not a vampire romance/mystery novel titled "Bites and Witnesses."

Margaret! "When you confuse pickles and jam, you're going to have a bad peanut butter and jelly sandwich"
Gabriel "Divest Pancakes" Buchsbaum and Peter "Not just Jess' brother" Kirschner

 Derek. He hasn't read "Infinite Jest." What a n00b.

Brooke and Adam looking like cuties! 

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