I endured 5 hours in the ratty before it was finally an appropriate time for minestrone soup, but alas, when i went to retrieve my steaming hot bowl of soup, it was almost all broth! Shame on the assholes who scooped out all of the beans. Thank god when I returned to our table I found a plethora of friends to cheer me up!
Dennis! Contrary to popular belief, his book is not a vampire romance/mystery novel titled "Bites and Witnesses."
Margaret! "When you confuse pickles and jam, you're going to have a bad peanut butter and jelly sandwich"
Gabriel "Divest Pancakes" Buchsbaum and Peter "Not just Jess' brother" Kirschner
Derek. He hasn't read "Infinite Jest." What a n00b.
Brooke and Adam looking like cuties!
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