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Ratty Challenge Banner 2016 DRAFT

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's Been One and a Half Hours

And right now we're Skyping KSass! It's great to see her. She made some seriously cool business cards and is holding down the fort in China, so basically she's winning adulthood.

Look! She's on the screen! What a cutie.
We're all kind of riding the struggle bus right now--none of us seem to have accomplished any work. I blame the early hours... AND ALSO MY TRACKPAD WHICH ISN'T WORKING. Therefore, if anybody has a mouse (wireless or... wired?) please text me in a few  message me on Facebook. But it's awesome to see KSass. We miss her and wish that she wasn't many continents away. Here's some parting wisdom from her about writing a thesis, which can definitely be applied to all schoolwork: "It seems like a really dark time right now, but in a few years you'll open it and read it and be like, 'Wow, I really wrote all of this stuff... it's cool!'" Haha. Thanks, KSass, o wise clarinet elder. Love you!

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